3 Ways to Spring Detox: Mind, Body, and Soul

3 Ways to Spring Detox: Mind, Body, and Soul 

Many of us think of spring cleaning or spring detoxing as getting rid of a few of the coats in our closet that we don’t wear anymore, or finally going through the old storage bins in the garage. While that definitely feels good, there are many other ways you can spring clean that aren’t just getting rid of older physical items, but by using the season to give your system a health reset. 

Body: In the winter, we tend to have more oils, alcohols, and grains in our diet, which can add heaviness to our system. The cold months of winter also mean we aren’t as active outside, as it’s easy to cozy up by the fireplace, stay in with friends, or crawl into bed a bit earlier. There’s always a time for resting, but getting back into a movement practice is a great way to detox the body from the stagnant months of winter.

A few simple ways to detox the body for springtime can include going on a walk in the mornings, trying out a sauna to support liver detoxification, starting your day with a large cup of water with lemon (I also like to add ginger), and adding in seasonal, nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables. While I know these seem simple, simple is key. We try so many things to “detox” that can be extreme, when the most powerful physical changes often come from small actions in our daily routine. 

Mind: More time spent around extended family and a schedule packed full of holiday events often leaves us drained, and we might have lacked the time for self-care. Diving back (or for the first time) into a meditation practice, spending more time in nature, and enjoying the warmer temperatures are all ways to de-stress, connect back with yourself, and be more at peace. 

A daily gratitude journal is also a great place to start. At the end of each day, or perhaps three times per week, simply write down 2-3 things that you have gratitude for. It could be as simple as the window by your office, the coffee you brewed that morning, or even the bed that you get to sleep in. Practicing daily gratitude has been proven to increase our overall quality of life and mental happiness. 

Soul: It’s not just physical items around the house that can leave us feeling heavy, we also often carry emotional baggage that can weigh us down. First, pause for a moment and think about yourself: Set an intention for the spring, such as working towards a specific goal or practicing a new characteristic that you want to embody. Write it down and keep it in your wallet, by the door, or even just in the notes app on your phone. 

Now, think of your relationship to others. Practice detoxing this spring by letting go of relationships that drain you, past resentments towards ended ones, or anger towards someone that you’re still holding onto. Releasing this provides us with so much more energy to put towards things that actually matter in our lives. Plus, you’ll just feel so much better

I hope this inspires you to spring clean yourself. Remember to honor the season of life you’re in, always striving towards being the version of yourself that you want to be. For more wellness inspiration, head over to my site bethanydaviswellness.com. ✨ Be well. 


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