How to Create a Higher Mindset

With the launch of the online platform this previous week, I’ve had to go inwards quite a bit. The app crashed, the online website wasn’t working, my computer ran out of storage… lots of things that I would have “snapped” at a few years ago, but actually remained very calm (just lost a lot of sleep!).

When things became hard and I spent days and nights emailing back customer service and trying different solutions, here are some of the thoughts that crossed my mind:

Why are you even creating this? You only have like 16 people signed up and most of them are your friends. People aren’t really interested in this, so you should just stop now. There are already so many other people out there with successful online platforms out there for yoga and nutrition. Your engagement hasn’t been as high, you aren’t doing something right. I mean, look at your role models… they are already doing it. Why don’t you just enjoy their platforms and quit all of this?

Well, to be honest with myself, I won’t quit it because I am a creator at heart. I love to create, share, and learn, but it’s the thoughts about what others think of me or what I’ve been raised to think of as “success”, which is numbers and praise.

Whenever I get into these states, I know that I’m in a low mindset. Think of it this way: a waiter at a restaurant gets your order completely wrong and it absolutely drives you crazy. One day this happens and you’re hungry and frustrated. You been waiting forever and you’re annoyed, so you are super snippy with them and demand a refund on your order. Another day you’re more at ease and in less of a rush, everything that day has gone according to plan, you’re not as hungry, and the waiter gets your order wrong. While you might be annoyed, you politely send it back, get it corrected, and enjoy your meal. The two situations are the same, but the mindset and the actions you took are very different.

The same goes for this past week and what I was creating. I create from a genuine place, but depending on my mindset, my thoughts will be different. Same initial scenario: 16 people signed up for my online platform. One day, it makes me feel less than and low because that is a “low” number. The next day, I don’t even think of a number because I absolutely love what I have created. In the first situation, I’m in a low mindset. In the second, I am in a higher one.

Whenever I am in a lower vibrational mindset, I know that I need to shift to a higher one. I am sure you know what I’m talking about and have been here too, espcially if you’re reading this.

So how do we stay in the higher mindset? Especially as a creator?

  1. Less comparison, more encouragement. Remember that we aren’t meant to live our lives looking at what others do with their life. However, with social media, that’s what we do! It’s good to remind ourselves that there is enough energy and success to go around. Let the light of others inspire you. Instead of constantly comparing yourself to someone else’s successes, focus on truly being happy for them, because they are happy and creating. Then know accept that you can have that too, just on my YOUR timeline. A low mindset comes when we compare, which leads to feelings of inadequacy. We raise our vibration by generally being happy for others and their successes.

  2. Creation over consumption. I always go back to what I am creating and why I am creating it. What are my passions? What do I love to do and love to share? When I focus on creating and sharing, nothing else really matters. This means less scrolling, more creating. When you simply focus on creating something that is uniquely you, you can create from a place of happiness, of love! I create through my joy, my passion, my purpose, my vision. The essence of who I am is how I transform my world and THE world. The inside is where the creation lies, not the outside. When we focus on creation, we raise our mindset and feel joy, flow, and fun. When we only consume, we feel less than, depressed, and anxious.

  3. Less focus on the numbers and more on authenticity. We’ve been trained that success means that we have over 10,000 followers and likes, excessive fame and positive feedback, and that it should just flow and that the numbers will reflect it. By focusing on the number of subscribers or the analytics, we truly suck our own happiness away. You are successful by being in a high mindset and dong what you love. Nothing else matters. Only focusing on the numbers lowers your mindset. Focusing on creating your beautiful art that is authentic to you raises your mindset, creating feelings of uniqueness and purpose.

  4. Do the work, and be at peace with it not being perfect. First, find what you love, then do more of it. Then, focus on the tips above. Practice them and habituate them, which rewires our brain to a higher mindset. Doing the work and accomplishing something you want to creates a higher mindset and brings us a sense of accomplishment and strength. If we focus on it being perfect (and it never will be) or procrastinate until the end of time, we lower our mindset and feel frustrated, resentful, and often angry at ourselves. Put your phone away and do the work.

  5. Love, it always goes back to love. Love will always drown out fear. When those feelings of fear, jealously, anxiousness, and worry over take you, focus on love. Focus on doing more of what you love, focus on loving others for who they are and where they are at, and love the present moment you are in. This will always shift you to a higher mindset. I know this sounds lovey-hippy, but truly (with practice) this changes everything.

I am writing this to you, but also to myself. You are a creator, I am a creator, and creation only comes from a high mindset, and a high mindset is something we have to practice. Practice this shift, one decision at a time!

Sending you so much love!

Xo, B


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