The Law of Attraction

You can believe what you see, or you can start to see what you believe.

I am not sure who said this, but I absolutely freaking love it.

Whenever I use the word energy in my conversations, people often roll their eyes or brush it off. The word itself brings about a stereotypic label of me being a hippie or “woo-woo” yoga teacher believes we are all connected and that all I want is world peace. Well, spoiler, I do want world peace and do believe we are all connected, and you really can’t deny the science of Einstein: everything is energy. You are energy, this laptop I am typing on holds energy, and the energy of all things is real and can be felt.

While energy is all around us, it is also within us. We have different energy centers in our body in our central nervous system (labeled in other cultures and practices as chakras, chi, or even spirit), and they are freaking powerful.

We labels certain energies in our body as feelings and emotions. You feel the energetic vibration of being hurt, happy, joyful, angry, envious, or sad. All of those have emotions have different frequencies in which our tiny little atoms vibrate on. The frequency of this energy radiates out around you and it effects the space, people, and events around you.

If I haven’t lost you yet, here is where I’ll get super “woo-woo”:

The energy you put out is what you’ll get back.

Yep, you are literally a magnet that will either repel or attract certain energies into your life.

I love this story I heard in a podcast this week:

A cute little couple is considering moving to a new town. They pass by an old, wiser man (a man who understands that everything is energy) and ask him, “What are the people like here?”. The wise man asks, “Well what are the people like where you are?”. The couple replies, “Well, they’re sort of rude and negative. We don’t really experience kindness from them”. The old man smiles and says, “Well, that is what they are like here, too”. The story goes on to repeat the same scenario with another man who is moving to the same town, but this man answered, “The people in my town are loving, kind, and always willing to help”, in which the old man replied, “Well, that is what they are like here, too”.

Your energy inside of you, your views on the world, and your perception of your reality (which is based on past experiences) all will vibrate a frequency, and that energetic frequency attracts similar frequencies.

Einstein said,

“Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.”.

If you put out love, joy, gratitude, and peace, that is what you’ll receive back and see in the world around you.

If you put out doubt, judgement, and lack of trust and you believe the world is out to get you, that is what you’ll see.

I can say from personal experience that this is true. Your mindset (AKA, your control over your emotions, emotions that which vibrate a certain frequency), will attract or repel certain things. I used to live with judgement of others, lack of faith that people are good or could be there for me, and overall subconscious fear that I would never be good enough. After a lot of work, I shifted my mindset to a more positive one and tapped into my internal power (which I just wrote a blog on how to do), and things in my life just flow. People are kinder, I am surrounded by love, and the negative in my life becomes less and less (of course it’s still there, but I no longer attach to it or am as affected by it). You really do create your reality.

Maybe I’m just choosing to have a different mindset on things, but the events in my life really are just more positive and filled with love once I decided to shift my energy and emotional frequency.

You have to take responsibility for how you show up in the world energetically.

This is what manifestation is. It’s not about repeating over and over again that you want something and it just magically shows up. This law of attraction starts from within your body. Whenever I am in low vibration of energies with judgement, fear, anxiety, etc., I don’t just repeat things in my head to change it. I close my eyes, and quite literally feel my emotions, then I change them to more positive ones.

Yes, yes, it’s freaking HARD, honey bun. Harder than my overbaked espresso muffins this morning. But it can be done though consistent practice. Close your eyes, and feel it. Get out of your head and into your body. Feel the joy, gratitude, or whatever it is that you want to attract tino your life. The thoughts can start this positive train, but only the shift of emotions will shift your internal frequency and energy and what you are emitting out into the world and attracting.

Once you shift your internal energy, you can attract the reality that you want.

It worked for me, and it can work for you too.

If you want to geek out over all of the science of quantum physics, how it affects manifestations/attractions, and how everything is energy, I highly suggest diving into Joe Dispenza’s work and research. It will absolutely blow your mind.

Sending this positive energy to YOU, my darling.


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7 Steps to Tap Into Your Internal Power