My WFH Morning Routine

I get asked this question pretty often: How on earth do you do it all?!

Well, it helps that I am type A and extremely organized! But honestly, my morning routine is something that sets me up for the best success. It’s something that has has changed over the years, but I finally found a routine that works best for me, my productivity, and my goals.

I am not sharing my morning routine so that you can replicate it exactly, because what works for me is not going to be the exact same thing that works for you! However, maybe this will inspire you to change it up if your current morning routine isn’t serving the best you anymore!

Alright, beauties, here we go!

5:30 AM:

  • First alarm goes off on the google home. I leave my phone in the kitchen to charge at night (total game changer) and invested in a smart clock that is integrated with our google home, which one of the best things I’ve done for productivity (no more night scrolling, lovies!). I simply tell the google at night to set an alarm for 5:30, which can also be reoccurring. I am someone that sets multiple alarms, so one goes off at 5:40, 5:50, and I can typically drag myself up by 5:50.

5:50 AM:

  • The first thing I do is brush my teeth, tongue scrape, and get a very cold wet wash cloth and rub it all over my face. I found this very helpful for waking myself up, but also just helping with any puffiness around my face or eyes from a nights sleep.

  • Make the freaking bed. Just do it!

6:00 AM:

  • Movement is almost always first thing. Not always, but I would say 70% of the time. I either roll out my yoga mat, pack my stuff up for a swim (I try to swim2 days per week), or do some light weights/body weight exercises. Once again, I shout out to my google home to set a timer for at least 20 minutes (or however much time I can squeeze in that day), put on a Vinyasa morning flow playlist or one of my playlists I’ve made, turn on a small space heater, and move my body and don’t stop until that timer goes off. A lot of times, I’ll go even longer because it just feels so good.

  • It took a lot of practice to get to this point and I overcome a lot of resistance sometimes, but moving first thing out of bed really sets the tone for the rest of my day!

6:40 AM (ish:)

  • Meditation. I try to get in 20 minutes if I can of a guided meditation, but sometimes it’s just sitting in silence for 5 minutes and breathing. I sit on a meditation cushion in front of my heater in the same spot every single day, and I do it. Joe Dispenza’s meditations are my jam, but I have several that I love on Insight Timer, and two on there I have published of my own.

  • 20 minutes seems intimidating, but honestly it takes my mind about 10 minutes just to stop cycling into what I have to do that day. The last 10 minutes of the meditation are where I’m actually connected to the breath and my body, and is the part I crave the most. That feeling of connectedness is enough to motivate me to sit down every day on that cushion, even when I don’t want to (oh and trust me, there are days!). Sit through it and be uncomfortable being still. Eventually, it becomes much more comfortable. It’s my saving grace!

7:10 AM:

  • I then put on a podcast that inspires me. You can find my favorite podcasts in my “favorites” tab of my website. I love listening to people that inspire me in the mornings, because it reminds me of the person that I am slowly becoming: the best version of myself. This can be people that embody characteristics that I strive to have, nutrition podcasts, relationship podcasts, podcasts about plantery health, etc.

  • I put a podcast on and start my coffee kettle, grind my coffee, and listen to the podcast as I do my pour over. I often will make one for Brent, too, since he’s getting ready to leave for work at this time.

  • Before coffee, I always, always, always have a large mason jar (3 ounces) of water. Sometimes I’ll squeeze in some fresh lemon or sliced ginger into there if I have some!

  • Brent and I have very set tasks agreements: he walks baby Judy in the morning, and I take care of her the rest of the day and do the other two walks. So he’s usually up and showered at this time and walking the dog, and I love making his coffee for him! It’s our ritual!

7:30 AM:

  • Brent and I chat for a few moments and talk about our day. When he leaves, I feed Jude and sit down at the counter with my coffee and laptop. I used to dive right into work, but I now use this hour as my maintenance hour. I reply to Instagram messages, emails, look at my schedule for the day, write downs tasks I need to accomplish, look at my budget, etc. This hour is absolutely essential for my processing and has changed how productive I am throughout the entire day. It just feels good to clean house.

9:00 AM:

  • This is when I truly start to work on my tasks that I need to get done. I put my phone away, turn off my email notifications, and get to work. I use the next 2-3 hours to write, record, work with clients, prepare classes, work on the coffee shop documents, etc. During this time I’ll take breaks, get up and walk around, roll my shoulders back and down, maybe start some laundry or switch it over, and miiiiight make a second cup of coffee at this point (don’t judge!). Even with these tasks I generally park my bum in the same spot and get down to business. I don’t get on social media during this time, for sure!

  • Important note: if I do have that second cup of coffee, I make sure to consume another 3 cups of water between them so that I don’t get dehydrated or too caffeinated (which leads to me being jittery and not as productive in the end).

12:00 PM:

  • I practice time restricted eating pretty religiously (with flexibility of course!) and usually only eat my meals between the hours of 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM. I found that this is what works best for me and how I personally feel the best. Sometimes it’s 11:00-7:00, sometimes it’s 10:30-5:00. I’m never too restricted and am flexible. t really all just depends on my schedule, how much I exercised, or how hungry I get. It’s a very intuitive practice.

  • Of course, if you follow me on social media at all, you know that I am allllll about the smoothie bowls. It is my favorite way to break a fast! I usually go for the same smoothie bowl, my anti-inflammatory smoothie that I created after my accident, but I will change it up sometimes to ensure I eat a diversity of foods and also to make sure that I use what I have in the fridge. Sometimes it’s fresh eggs and greens, or chia seed pudding with nuts, fruits, and nut/seed butter. Whatever I do, I make sure that my first meal of the day includes greens, healthy fats, fiber, and is something that is easily digestible.

This schedule is what has worked for me and what leads into the most productive and satisfied afternoon!

My afternoon is set aside for more casual tasks and work, such as reading information for clients, school work, meetings with friends, or cooking.

As always, I hope this helps and inspires you, angel! Remember that your mood follows your actions, and you can set yourself up for success by honing in and finding a morning routine that works for you and your lifestyle.

It’s such an act of self care to find your morning flow and to honor it as much as you can!

With love,



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