August Wellness Wrap Up / September Intentions

And just like that, August flew right by. I turned a new page on my desk calendar and set new goals, so I’m feeling good, aligned, and planned out (we love a good type A / Capricorn vibe, I just can’t help it).

August was so good to me in the fact that I had some major mental and personal breakthroughs. The biggest one being: instead of always worrying about what others think about me, creating my own damn life and focusing on what I want it to be and create. I quit small side jobs and focused on what actually felt aligned, not what I feel like I “have” to do.

In doing so, I am much happier. My day to day is focused so much more on creating what I love and what I want to share, and that is so fun. If anyone has ever dealt with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, or imposter syndrome, I promise you: there is another side to it. You just have to keep showing up for yourself, in whatever that way may be.

Of course, I recommend movement, meditation, therapy, time with those that lift you up and of course, time alone. It’s always in time alone where I just sat still that the biggest breakthroughs have happened for me (and for most people). The relationship that you have with yourself is the most important thing. I CANNOT express that enough. Take the time to be still, but be sure to get in some spicy, fiery movement too. 🔥

Here are my favorite things of August:

September Intentions:

  • I neglected swimming in August, but September will be more swimming focused, as I SO desperately miss the water.

  • 2-3 more YouTube Videos (already planned and so so so excited about these). You can subscribe to my YouTube Channel here.

  • The September Summer Smoothie Series (more to come on this!)

  • Read Unfiltered By Lilly Collins and of course, finish watching Emily in Paris when it releases (can you tell I’m obsessed?!)

  • Less scrolling, continue creating. I am in a much better headspace recently because I use social media as a creative outlet and don’t really consume too much. It’s a job, not a destination. I feel so much happier this way.

  • Monochrome outfits….

  • Continue with 5 am run/walks.

  • Finalize NYC details.

  • Finish a part of a bit project I’ve been working on.

  • Give SOMETHING to someone that is random.

  • Move my body. Every. Single. Day. (or at least 6 days a week for at least 8 minutes).

I hope these inspire. you. They’re short, sweet, and achievable. PLEASE comment below what YOUR monthly intentions are. Last month they were so good. I would love to hear what you want September to bring into fruition. 🤎

All my love,


Travel Advice (and Notes) From North Carolina