August Intentions 🏙️🍃

When I first started blogging I wrote monthly intentions to you all. It’s something that I still do every single month on my own, and I absolutely love it. There’s just something about a new month (especially when we get closer to fall!) that I love. My budget resets, the number we write each day resets, and I adjust my schedule to further fit me and my well-being as the page is recreated on my desk planner. Even though I do believe that you can reset at ANY time (any breath), each new month is like 12 chances for small New Year’s Resolutions, to reset with the ones that you set in January, and to stay present as we move through the year and not let it pass you by.

So, here are my August Intentions. They’re very personal to me, so I encourage to you make your own. Write them down on a sticky note, a sheet for quick reference, or keep them on your blog like I do or in a note and just check them off as the month goes by. I find it helpful to look at them at least 3-4 times/week ensure that you stay aligned and centered and that I get shit done through the crazy chaos and stress of life. I organized these by category, which I’ve found to be SO helpful. As you can see, too, some are very specific and some are very vague. Often, being more specific is going to help you to get them done because they have a numeric value or something objective, but something like “coffee with a friend” can just be scheduled in where you can fit it in.

There is a comment section below and I would LOVE if you commented a few of your own! Or if you want to send me your own list, feel free. I love to see people re-aligning and bettering themselves. Each month, each day, each breath, each decision we make.

Happy August.


August 2024 Intentions:

  • Health:

    • No drinking for a month (another story for another time, but I’m on a sober journey currently)

    • Finish The 5 AM Club

    • Finish The Little Book of Dior

    • Finish the TBM summer challenge

    • Run 3-4 days per/week

    • Yoga/pilates 2-3 days/week

    • Swim 1 day/week

    • Walks at the park at least twice.

  • To Buy:

    • Unfiltered by Lily Collins (and start!)

    • I budgeted $400 to spend on new clothes (a reward I gave myself for going through my closet this week!). I need bras, socks, and new tops/shoes DESPERATELY.

    • Meditation cushion (see my socials soon to see what happened to the old one….)

  • To Watch:

    • Emily In Paris, of course….

  • Work:

    • Post 3-4 days/week (AUTHENTICALLY but with a bit of strategy)

    • Start my BDW LLC!

    • Continue posting a new flow once a week (have been doing so well at this!)

    • Finish 2 things on a BIG project I’ve been working on for months (no spoilers but ahhh!); August 31st is my deadline.

    • Look at some names (and jingles) for something soon in the future (again no spoilers but 2025 I will have something amazing here!)

    • Put flyers up in at least 10 more local places and cities I travel to.

    • Keep looking for cameras.

    • Re-looking at nutrition programs to finish! I’ve been working with clients and it just aboslutely lights me up to see people using my recipes and mindfulness tools.

    • Post all discount codes I have on my social media platforms.

    • Focus on end of September collaboration.

  • Personal:

    • Plan my fall NYC trip!

    • More time with family!

    • Coffee dates and catch ups with friends that have traveled throughout the summer.

    • Parker and I are training London and Chewy both for better behavior. What’s amazing is that the woman we picked to be our dog trainer and work with the dogs, without knowing, was the woman who helped me after my car accident on the street. The universe is so crazy. So my final personal intention is to be consistent with the daily training with both London and Chewy so we see results.

    • Love. Hard. ❤️

Share yours below!


Finding Alignment (and opening up)


You Can Always Change