What it's like to love yourself

What is it like to love yourself?

It’s like:

Not seeking external validation. This means sometimes turning comments off of your posts (we are programmed to think more comments and likes means more worth, and that could be farther from the truth). This means accepting that gossip, jealousy, and exclusion are inevitable in life, and that your worth has nothing to do with what others say about you. This means losing followers because you post more things that make you happy, and remembering that your social media feed is to share yourself, not to post what gets likes.

It’s like:

Waking up every day and making meditation/quiet time a priority. Even if it’s in your car in a parking lot and you open your eyes and people are looking at you weird, but you love yourself anyways and don’t feel embarrassed.

It’s like:

Actually enjoying quarantined and only being around 2-3 of the same people- a few people that really expand me. I needed this as a reminder of what I want to be in the future.

It’s like:

Waking up and making movement a priority, above all things.

It’s like:

It’s like a morning routine with coffee, reading, and candle lighting. It’s not rushing around or scrambling. Even if you have to wake up earlier or you’re a moment later for work, it’s doing it anyways.

It’s like:

Saying no to opportunities that could make you money or bring you networking opportunities, but that aren’t a “hell yes” or it brings your energy down.

It’s like:

Standing in front of the mirror and looking at the parts, angles, and shapes you don’t like and saying, I love you, you beautiful person.

It’s like:

Setting goals, then setting even smaller goals to meet those goals, because you are worth it.

It’s like:

Letting go of past relationships/friendships. Losing friendships but building better ones.

It’s like:

It’s standing in your worth when someone makes you feel guilty, and knowing the value you bring.

It’s like :

Being as diverse as you want and loving yourself as you are.

It’s like:

Taking days off from work and not letting society make you feel guilty about it.

It’s like:

Walking in nature without music, without a podcast, and without being on the phone with someone. It’s showing yourself that you love yourself enough to be with only you.

It’s like:

More reading. Going back to school even though it will be more debt, because you are worth it.

It’s like:

Right now.


A Mindful Holiday Season


Redefining "Supposed To"