How I’ve Changed and Why It’s Good
Change is inevitable, it’s just about if you embrace it or not.
November Updates 🖤
Updates from November with clean nail polishes, Manhattan pictures, dog updates, and more. :)
3 Ways to Spring Detox: Mind, Body, and Soul
Many of us think of spring cleaning or spring detoxing as getting rid of a few of the coats in our closet that we don’t wear anymore, or finally going through the old storage bins in the garage. While that definitely feels good, there are many other ways you can spring clean that aren’t just getting rid of older physical items, but by using the season to give your system a health reset.
My V-Day Thoughts: What Love Really Is
It’s hard to measure how any of us feel. To say that you love something more than someone else is folly. Love is not necessarily measurable. My weekend with my girlfriends this weekend was similar in the feeing of when I opened a business. To when I felt love for the first time again. To the feeling I get when I create or write. It’s a feeling, and nobody else will ever feel what you feel or be able to compare it.
End of January Thoughts: Life Changing and Finding Yourself
I am thankful for every friendship, relationship, and challenge that life has ever brought me. And you should be too! We all go through it, but how you react to it is what’s key. You can choose to get up and go for a workout, to let things go, or create new friendships, jobs, and circumstances, or you can wallow in the hurt. I choose not to wallow, but to feel it, and then let. that. shit. go.
January Journal Prompts 📔
In the spirit of the new year (even on 4 hours of sleep and going to a late night party), I got up with the 3 dogs, then went on a 45 minute walk/run/hike downtown. It was lovely, and such a good start to my morning.
While I know the new year can be overwhelming with tons of new year new me things, I encourage you to go inward and get to know yourself as the year beings. Most of my life I did things solely based on the outcome and how it would propel me forward in my career or personally. I invite you to ask yourself what lights you up, then make those things more prevalent in your life in 2024.
I wrote down some journal prompts to share with you all as you begin 2024 that can help you figure those things out. Instead of looking outward at what everyone else is doing, figure out what you want to change in 2024. My answers are also in it to help motivate and inspire. ❤️
31 Things I Learned Under 30
I am so proud of the things I’ve accomplished in my 20’s, and it’s all taught me so much. So, here are 31 lessons I thought I jotted down after a bit of reflection. These are things I’ll use to guide my 30’s in my future wellness platform, relationships, and future endeavors I decide to take on (since I can’t seem to sit still).
The Most Important Pillar of Health - And 5 Steps to Align with It
As I transition into my 30’s, and into a recently new job that I love, a favorite part of working in private practice is the meditation, reflection and awareness of mind/body connection, and developing relationship to self. What’s the point of moving your body if you aren’t mindful with it. What’s the point of eating right if you’re not connected to your body? What’s the point of having no pain or bloating if you’re anxious, stressed, rushed, or depressed?
My Top 5 Wellness Tricks For When You're Sick
As someone who barely even takes Ibuprofen, much less antibiotics, I always turn to natural remedies first. I also avoid the doctor if I can, since most of our mild illnesses will naturally go away on their own with rest, sleep, and the right nutrients, which was exactly the case with this bout of sickness. Here are my top 5 wellness tricks I used to promote healing in my body naturally with this sinus infection.