8 Ways to Snow “Wellness”

It’s our second snow here in Arkansas! SO exciting! As someone who used to loathe the cold, I have recently embraced it - with my entire body in fact. I’ve been doing cryotherapy and cold plunging, but that is an ENTIRELY different blog!

I love the snow 1) because it is a rarity, and 2) because it’s white, beautiful, and light. I am not a fan of darkness or rain (unless I have nothing else to do but read!). The snow is SO fun, and it actually helps with my Raynaud’s syndrome with careful exposure. And with three dogs, it gets even MORE fun. :)

Even though I have to work today, I am going to make time for the snow since I only work until two. I really use the snowy as a time to be present. It’s the most beautiful reminder of the seasons, and that everything is temporary, as the snow will melt and turn to mush in a few short days. All things, good and bad, will pass, so you MUST enjoy them while you can!

We are not promised tomorrow. So let’s be well today. 🤎

Here are 8 ways to enjoy the snow with a wellness focus. If you’re not in Arkansas, use this anyways at anytime to be present with nature. Winter offers SUCH a unique opportunity to slow down, reconnect with nature, and practice mindfulness. Instead of dreading the cold, step outside and immerse yourself in the peaceful beauty of snow-covered landscapes.

Activities to Embrace the Snow and Be More Present

1. Go for a Silent Snow Walk

Walking in freshly fallen snow has a calming effect, especially when you listen to the soft crunch beneath your feet. Leave your headphones at home, breathe in the crisp air, and take in the stillness around you.

2. Practice Snow-Gazing Meditation

Find a quiet spot, sit or lie down in the snow (with warm layers, of course), and simply observe. Watch the way the snow falls, how the light reflects, or the patterns the wind creates. This practice enhances mindfulness and relaxation.

3. Try Cold Exposure Therapy

If you're feeling adventurous, dip your hands into the snow, splash your face with it, or even try a brief barefoot walk. Cold exposure can boost circulation, reduce inflammation, and sharpen mental clarity.

4. Get your HEART RATE UP

Moving your body in the snow provides both physical and mental health benefits. Snowshoeing or hiking in a winter landscape increases cardiovascular endurance, strengthens muscles, and offers a refreshing way to reduce stress levels. When you go back inside into the warmth, you feel SO alive as the blood rushes back to your extremities, and you get a surge of endorphins. Even if you just go outside and do 40 jumping jacks, just feel the intensity of heart you created in your body. It’s so wonderful.

5. Breathe Deeply with Winter Air

Take a few deep breaths, allowing the cold air to fill your lungs. Cold-weather breathing can invigorate the body, increase oxygen flow, and enhance awareness of the present moment. Remember that cold isn’t bad, it’s just UNCOMFORTABLE. The uncomfortable (in any situation) becomes comfortable with practice. Cold is amazing reminder of that. so breathe it IN.

6. Do Yoga or Stretching in the Snow

Bundle up and find a stable spot for some gentle yoga or stretching. Snow adds a playful challenge to balance poses, and the cold air keeps you awake and aware of every movement. Just remember to do for 10 minutes or so unless you have a

7. Write a Gratitude Message in the Snow

Use your finger or a stick to write something you're grateful for in the snow. This small act combines mindfulness with creative expression, reinforcing a sense of appreciation for the moment. Afterwards, you can do my my most recent self-love meditation for a PERFECT end to the day. 🤎

8. End with a Warm Drink & Reflection

After your time outside, head indoors and enjoy a warm herbal tea, golden milk, or a microbiome-friendly hot cacao. Try my golden milk latte. Currently I am also loving peppermint and greens teas. SO good for digestion and antioxidants (which I could use a lot of as my skin is so dry!). Take a few moments to reflect on how the experience made you feel—calmer, clearer, or more connected to nature.



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