November Intentions


I first started blogging in 2017 by accident. I was going through a period of depression after taking a year off of my doctorate in physical therapy. I felt so lost without a career to cling to, and one of the ways I thought would help me process my emotions was to start journaling. Transferring the feelings into words was definitely one of the most helpful tools, but my poor hand just couldn’t keep up with my brain. But i’m an excellent typer (and I’m a pretty good thinker).

In addition to blogging to help process feelings, goal setting was another thing that helped me through. Some of my most popular blogs when I first started blogging 5 years ago were my monthly intentions, intentions and goals I would set at the beginning of the month that I would refer back to often to help guide me towards more long term goals or be more of the version of myself that I wanted to be. They were wonderful, and many of you sent me yours throughout the years that followed.

Similarly to setting an intention in a yoga class, you can set an intention at any time. Each day, each breath, each time that you step into work, etc. However, there is just something about the beginning of the month that I love. I set the schedule for my employees, I set my budget, and I love writing down (or typing out) small goals that are achievable.

For most of us, there are things that we want to change about ourselves in our daily lives, goals that we want to achieve, habits that we have that we not longer want to partake in or new habits we want to start to incorporate. Setting smaller goals, writing them down, reading them out loud to yourself, or even sharing them with a friend (or a few hundred of you) just wires them into your brain in a different way. There is a science to accountability.

I encourage you to look back to October: What do you want to change? What do you want to keep? What do you want to bring more of or do less of in your life so that you are happier, lighter, and more free? It can be one thing, it could be ten things. No intention is too small.

Whatever they are for you, write them down - I promise it helps to write them down or type them out. I’ll share mine below, and feel free to share yours with me via an email, IG message, or text if you have my number. I’d love, love, love to hear what you’re wanting to currently manifest and bring into your life, what makes you light up, and ways that you are actively growing.

Mood follows action, and change in habits follow with repetition.

My November Intentions:

  • Exercise/stretch at least 15 minutes per day. Something i really neglected in October was exercising, and my body is definitely feeling the physical effects of not really moving much. I am literally seeing a physical therapist college on Wednesday because I didn’t really exercise for a month and my mid-back is not a happy camper… Just 15 minutes a day (which often leads to longer because it feels good) and in the morning is my goal for November. I already started today and I can’t wait to build the momentum back.

  • Start swimming again. I know this falls under the exercise umbrella but I put it separately because I truly just miss the cold water. I had to wait for a swimsuit to come in from prana, but it finally came in and I’m so ready to dive back into swimming lap (pun intended).

  • No processed sugar. Period. I’m definitely going cold turkey - New York is so wonderful, but the acne on my skin and my upset microbiome is saying no the scones, pastries, excessive alcohol and brownies (I will have cocktails though…)

  • No TV shows. I went a little too hard in the Netflix in October (although I do highly recommend From Scratch), so the only thing on my TV in November will be background music, a “scenic” fall fireplace, or I will just play music or open the windows instead (I love the sound of traffic and people talking). An exception to this might be the Great British Bake Off over Thanksgiving… but we’ll see.

  • Budget. Yep. I’m sure I don’t need to go much into this obvious intention except I am just planning on writing down each miscellaneous purchase instead of… you know, buying coffee on every corner of Manhattan and Queens.

  • Show up to work every week. This sounds silly, but I mean my physical therapy job. I called out a few times at the hospital in October because my anxiety and depression were very high, so I’m really focused on reminding myself that even when I am anxious/depressed, to show up anyways and to focus on my patients and what I can do for them. I always feel so much better when I go, it’s just showing up that’s hard.

  • Keep. Meditating. Every. Day. I’ve been doing this and plan to stay consistent. Insight Timer is the best and I’ve been using the app for years. You can do a morning mediation with me on the app for free, too. :)

I am sending you love, focus, presence, dedication, and the strength to change and show up.

Xx, B.


My Journey with Depression


Depression and Sadness in Life