What True Wealth Is

I am 28 years old with a doctorate degree and currently have ZERO income. Zero. Brent and I have separate finances, so my savings account each month is slowly getting smaller and smaller. What I am doing right now is spending all of my hours doing things that DON’T pay me: working hard build a business that will function well, getting a master’s degree in something I am passionate about, recording meditations and yoga classes, teaching yoga (ok, I do get $25 for that), helping people with their nutrition by giving them advice and encouraging them, building a successful website, curating recipes, and connecting with others in the community. 

Even though it’s just for a short period of time, sometimes there is this strong anxiety that arises where I feel “less than” or that I need to go pick up 100 other side jobs to hustle and make every penny that I can get during this short period my life where I have no income. To ADD more to my plate (no thanks, it’s full!). According to some in society, I might be “failing”.

But at the same time there is this extremely strong peace inside of me. A peace in knowing that I’m going to be okay. I wake up every day and I absolutely love what I do, every single hour. A peace with knowing that I love where I am at, and money isn’t everything. My income right now is in other ways: 

Being proud of a business that will practice good practices.

Happiness from hours of learning about food and how it can be used as medicine.  

Joy from people telling me how my recipes and classes have changed their lives.

Spending evenings with friends that will feed me, encourage me, help me clean my building while we dance to music, and tell me that it’s all going to be worth it.

THAT is wealth.🖤

This is SO NOT a “woe is me” post for pity, but to show that during times of transition, you need to root down into your WHY!

Why are you doing what you’re doing?

What is your purpose?

Do you let money/other external things define you?

There is SO much more than just money and status out there. There is a beautiful, beautiful life. You have to overcome fear in when following dreams. But it is so freaking worth it.


Sometimes, I Stay at my Parent's House


Finding Courage in 2022