March Intentions: Resetting and Being Out in Nature!
Hello, beautiful. ⭐️ Happy March and Happy SPRING. 🌸
As you may well know, the beginning of months are my absolute favorite! Although time really is just made up, it does provide us structure. Just like the beginning of the new year when we set intentions, I love to take a mental check in moment at the beginning of each month to re-align with myself. The true self that often gets lost in the busyness of this fast-paced life.
Am I embodying all that I want to?
Am I following patterns that I want to?
Am I taking steps towards the goals that I really want to achieve?
Am I taking action that is true to who I am?
Where do I need to create more space? Possibly, what do I need to say no to?
Here are my March Intentions. I encourage you to write down some of your own, and put them in a place where you can see them often. This could be your bathroom mirror, by your door, on your kitchen cabinet or fridge, or anywhere it will draw your intention. You can read them in passing or each morning, take a deep breath, then when anxious, you can take action regardless that help to progress you towards the best, happiest, most true version of yourself.
March Intentions:
Only drink on the weekends; I have been having about 3-4 drinks a week, and I can tell it is effecting my sleep. So, just the weekends for me!
Read one book… JUST ONE, for the month of March. Right now, that is Clean 7 by Alejandro Junger, which I have been ravenous to finish. Reading for fun while running a wellness platform, a coffee shop, and still doing physical therapy is TOUGH, but I am determined to finish books I am really wanting to dive into and learn from.
Get back to using social media and posting how I used to. I’ve been a little bit more private on social, and sometimes, I get into my head about likes, follows, analytics, etc. It’s hard when you run a business around it! But I really just feel good when I post to social media intuitively (and write blogs intuitively), so I am setting the intention to keep doing just that. Likes, engagement rates, and numbers truly do not define you. It feels so much better to release them.
Keep the promises to myself around my wellness platform! Today (March 1st) I have a meeting with someone to help me with SEO, to update my website, and with podcast editing, and I’m REALLY excited! It’s out of my comfort zone for sure, and the comparisonitis is real, but I really do feel so good when I just write, create, and follow my gut. I can leave the design to someone else! There is no timeline; we just have to create (and learn to outsource when we can!)
Get into the sun. Every. Single. Day. Even if it’s gloomy, I am DETERMINED to go on a walk outside. Since healing from my accident in 2021 (which happened in the spring), spring is my absolute season. I love seeing the trees bloom, the trees becoming greener, and the warmer weather and longer days slowly rolling in. I also feel best when I take long walks in the morning, so I’m setting the intention to be outside every day if I can, especially in the morning to get the sun in my eyes and help my circadian rhythm.
Remember, my love, you have a lot more control than you think you do. YOU are the driver of your life.
You. Can. Do this. I am with you along this beautiful journey of life. ☀️
Happy March.
With all my love, B.