Creating Your Own Path in Life

This may not be the case for everyone, but at least for me, I was instilled with the frame of mind that you decide what you want to do for the rest of your life while in college (and you must go to college!). You then get a degree for that said thing, and then you happily work that job until retirement.

Cool. Sounds pretty stable, right?

While there is nothing wrong with that if that makes you happy, it’s also not the reality for most people. Deciding where and how we want to spend money, time, and energy for the rest of our lives at the age of 18 is absolutely crazy to me. Even more so, I think that it’s even crazier to embrace the idea that we will stay the same and have the same “role” throughout our entire life and that we can be happy doing so. Maybe it’s not so crazy when you consider that only 27% currently have a job related to their college degree.

When I was in college, I changed to a Spanish degree, but ended up sticking with Exercise Science and Physical Therapy because it was more a more stable, more profitable path. Did I like these degrees? Sure, they were fine! Would I be happy being a Spanish teacher? Maybe. But with either one that I would pick, would I want to do that one role forever? Most likely not.

Many people label changing careers or being unsure about career as “wishy washy” or “unstable”. I’ve seen the judgement cast upon those in the food industry, or someone that changes jobs frequently. It’s something I don’t think most people even realize they do. We put doctors, lawyers, and people how have been with a company for a long time on a pedestal without even realizing it. It’s almost a subconscious act we partake in.

However, I think it’s a brave thing to be able to look at your life and say… Hmm, I don’t think I’m happy doing this anymore. I do have control over my life. I think I’m going to pivot and make some changes, because I only have one, precious life, and I don’t want to spend too much of it in an area that doesn’t feel aligned with me anymore.

That’s life, my beautiful friends.

I do think sometimes we have to try multiple things in order figure out what we don’t want to do, but even if you find something that you really love doing, that can change. I mean, are we really meant to be doing the same thing forever?

Inspired by a podcast with Rich Roll and his wife Julie, I was reminded that we are just souls. Souls that are meant to evolve, grow, and change, and take on many roles in life. We get to evolve and grow through the many experiences we choose to take in life, which is why every single of our desires should be experienced. We are here on earth for evolution.

In another podcast I listened to, I was inspired and reminded that we can change our minds. We are multidimensional beings that are always changing, and that’s okay. That’s part of the journey.

For years I forced myself into a career because I felt like I had to. Because I got my degree in that or had already invested time and money into pursuing it, only to find myself not that happy when I was in it. Not only that, but I felt so guilty for changing my mind. Everyone told me to find something and stick to it, and that that was the only what that I was going to succeed.

Now, I realize that I am evolving all the time, and that includes changing my mind and pivoting what I do. Just like I am not the same person that I was a year ago, I may not hold the same job titles, and that’s okay.

One my best friends is went to law school, but now freelance writes, gardens, and works for her dad.

Another friend of mine now plays the role of mother, but she also sings opera and newscasts.

One of my mentors runs several business, from hotel industries to coffee shops. Another mentor of mine left healthcare to become a podcaster and run a business from his computer.

We are meant to evolve, grow, and change throughout seasons of our life, and your path will never look the same as anyone else’s. And that is such a beautiful thing.

Each of their job titles changed as they reassessed their life and what brought them joy at that time. I think it’s so important to take personal inventory every so often and ask yourself: Does this light me up anymore? Does this feel right? And if not, what changes am I going to make?

This week, I got offered a role as a physical therapist that’s very different than what I’m used to, and it even pays me more. I also got a job offer to do some grant writing, something I’ve never done before but I’m so excited to learn more about. It feels right, right now. This is my path.

My point is is that if you want to be a physical therapist, nurse, lawyer, grocery store cashier, or mother for the rest of your life, that is absolutely wonderful. But, if you want to change your mind, that is also wonderful. Good for you, beautiful. Let your evolution unfold.

Write now I’m an entrepreneur, and I”m going back to school too. But one day I might write a book. I will grant write because I want to learn (and get paid on my own schedule). I’m doing it because it feels right, what lights me up, and letting go of any judgment from others, or from myself. This is my path. Tomorrow, that could change, and that’s OKAY.

Side note: it really is crazy what we attract when we’re aligned with ourselves. These job opportunities absolutely landed in my lap. I have been a physical therapist, I’ve meal prepped for people, opened a coffee shop, written for magazines, taught yoga, and done even more jobs in between. In every. single. job I have had, they’ve found their way to me. I never sought them out. The universe (or whatever higher being you believe in) literally said… Here. Take this if you want it.

And EVERY single time this has happened, I always make almost the exact amount of money I’m needing at that time. Insane, right? I have always manifested abundance in my life in terms of money by going with what felt right at the time.

When you follow your intuition and make sure that you are happy, THAT is your path. Take consideration of other’s advice, but always listen to your inside voice. Change your mind if you need to realign your happiness, and live a life that is not only authentic to you, but one that lights you up.



Alexandra Farmer: Gardening to Cultivate Gratitude


March Intentions: Resetting and Being Out in Nature!