Dacia Wollenberg: Benefits of Salt Therapy
Curious about Salt Therapy? Dacia Wollenberg breaks it down for us. Read about the benefits, the history, who could benefit from it, and where you can book your session.
2 Life Lessons My Accident Taught Me
On April 5, 2021, my life stopped abruptly. When I reflect back on the past two years and the accident in particular, I realize it took being in so much physical and emotional pain for me to realize that only I can control my life. I didn’t know who I was, but after the past few years, I feel like I do. So to celebrate two years of being alive after almost dying, here are the two major lessons that I learned.
Creating Your Own Path in Life
We are meant to evolve, change, and grow into many versions of ourselves in this lifetime - in career, relationships, and in our health and well-being. Your path will look like nobody else's, and that is so beautiful.