Dacia Wollenberg: Benefits of Salt Therapy

In collaboration with local business owner Dacia Wollenberg, who founded her own holistic salt studio, I asked her to write a little bit about Salt therapy so I, and you, could learn a little bit more about this alternative therapy.

Originally from Northwest Indiana, Dacia moved to Arkansas 4 years ago after reconnecting with someone she was with at the time (on Facebook actually). He moved here 16 years ago to be the Superintendent at Sage Meadows.

An RN by trade, she really started her personal health and wellness journey about 9 years ago for multiple reasons: she had her daughter and noticed eczema all over her newborn skin. It was then that she knew she needed to make changes on what she was putting on her skin.

Dacia was also was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at age 15, which almost took her life. This sparked her now pursuit and passion for helping people with a more holistic approach of nursing, which is why she decided to opening up a salt room, something Jonesboro hasn’t seen before.  You can visit her Salt room if you’re a Jonesboro local. In addition, she currently sells non-toxic hand poured Beeswax candles at Story that don’t disrupt your hormones, but that’s another topic. :)

Salt Therapy History:

Let’s talk about Halotherapy, or also referred to as Dry Salt Therapy.

It seems like it is a fairly new therapy, and some still may not have even heard of it, but it was first officially recognized as a therapy in 1843 by Polish physician Dr. Feliks Boczkowski. This physician noticed that the salt mine workers were rarely suffering from respiratory issues as compared to how often the general public was. After studying it a bit more and being impressed with the benefits he was seeing, he founded and opened the first health resort facility at the Wieliczka Salt Mine in Poland.

Seeing the results, ussians started to investigate and develop the technology needed to recreate the microclimate of these micro-sized salt particles being inhaled by people who were utilizing the salt mine, but soon realized that most people didn’t have the time or the financial resources to travel to this salt mine. So in 1976, Russian doctors and scientists created the first halogenerator, which replicates the conditions of salt mines. This is when halotherapy, the above ground alternative for speleotherapy, was born.

In the US, halotherapy really started becoming popular about 10 years ago, but is continuing to grow every day with salt facilities opening. There is proven success, effectiveness, and results with using dry salt therapy as a complimentary or alternative treatment for issues with the respiratory system, skin conditions, mental health, and overall general wellness.

How does Salt Therapy work?

Dry salt acts like a sponge attracting foreign substances along its path through the respiratory tract (this is why people with high blood pressure can also benefit, as the salt is not going through the GI tract). I like to say to think of the salt like a toothbrush, cleaning the respiratory system and removing any foreign buildup that may be causing issues. Mucus becomes thinner, which makes for easy expectoration, and sputum is loosened and can be removed by coughing.

Dry salt is also an anti-inflammatory in the body. When you inhale the dry salt particles, you may help to reduce inflammation in the entire respiratory tract and widen airway passages. A clean respiratory system naturally results in higher oxygen intake, increased energy, and an improved immune system.

In addition, dry salt is also anti-bacterial, so the salt dissolves bacteria and pollutants lodged in the respiratory tract as it is breathed in. They are then either coughed up or expelled by the body.

Who could benefit from dry salt therapy?

There are practically no side effects to this natural and safe form of therapy. Adults, children, athletes, and even animals could all benefit. Many people who utilize salt therapy on a regular basis may find relief from conditions such as: allergies, asthma, bronchitis, cold and flu, COPD, Cystic Fibrosis, Emphysema, Pneumonia, Sinus infections, smokers cough, snoring and sleep apnea, stress/fatigue, and wheezing. Also, for skin issues such as: acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, rosacea, itching, swelling and inflammation, dry and flaky skin, rashes, and skin aging. Dry salt therapy has also been shown to reduce anxiety and stress, because you are sitting in a room with the lights dimmed and soft music playing… picture pure relaxation.

A typical salt session at Modern Day Valor is 45 minutes long. Right now, we have the space to hold up to 4 people in a single session, so you are able to bring your friends/family if you choose. The idea is to be comfortable while breathing in the benefits of the dry salt, so you can wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Most people take a nap, but you can also read a book, practice yoga/meditation, or anything you choose.  

I hope you stop in to see us and try dry salt therapy for yourself if you haven’t already and experience the healing benefits it has to offer.


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