Finding Peace in the Chaos

As I sit here at 10:20 at night still tied to my computer in order to get this business open, writing for my school (and learning), and editing videos pay my bills, I find myself saying over and over again:

It will be worth it. It will be worth it. 

While I really enjoy my relaxation time in the evening, I am in the final push of a 9 month (2 year) business baby with my doulas and doctors (my business partners and my close friends/friends) right beside me, holding my hand and telling me to take deep breaths.

When we put our heads down and grind, barely coming up for air to breathe or food to eat, we often wait and wish for it to be over soon. We think, when I can get to this point, it will be worth it…

Yes, in 6 months I will have less stress with the coffee shop. I can just see myself casually sipping my organic coffee rather than more so frantically drinking it in the morning while I pull my hair out on the phone with the point of sale system. My hope is that I will not be up until 11:00 PM writing a blog with more work to do afterwards, but I’ll be blogging during normal operating business hours. 

But even right now as I write this, I am truly present.  More present than I have ever been in during my entire life. How weird is that? I’m not waiting for the future, to get here. I believe it’s all worth it right now.

There is the overwhelming sense of peace inside of me. I don’t know if it comes from years of doing inner work on myself, from years of a meditation practice, from recent changes in my life, or from truly just loving what I am doing. I don’t know where this inner peace is stemming from. But even only running on 6 hours of a sleep or less per night, I have never had more energy. 

Michael Singer discusses this energy phenomenon in the Untethered Soul. He talks about how you can sleep 10 hours only to wake up with no energy, and sometimes you can wake up with so much energy because you are excited about something (like a vacation or seeing someone you love).

In the fall, I will love sitting back and seeing my employees work, reading a book, drinking my organic coffee, being back to school for what I love, and looking at my hard work that has oh, so paid off. But I’m not only going to feel that way in the fall when the hard work is partially over. I choose to feel that way now, even in the chaos. That is my choice.

I choose to connect with this deep peace that is inside of me. It’s there. I choose it with every action, one breath at a time. 

And guess what? It’s in you too. It’s within all of us. We can get so into our heads about all of the external things (it’s very easy to do!). But it’s all about connecting back in to yourself and not the external things. They are just things.

You have to bring out the peace when you are in the storm, not just after the storm has passed. You can always choose the calm eye in the middle of a hurricane. 

Be at peace, no matter what is going on.



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