July 2023 Astrology Forecast

July Astrology
By Bianca Giulione, Life Forces Inc

For most of July, we find ourselves in Cancer season. The Sun shines in the cardinal water sign, which promotes sensitivity, security, and the nurturing of ourselves and others. Cancer is also related to home and family, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself craving the cozy company of loved ones. 

On the 3rd the Full Moon in Capricorn, where we celebrate accomplishments in the external world. Try to observe the balance between work and home and take advantage of opportunities that come your way.

Mars, the planet of action and drive, makes its way into Virgo on the 10th of July, which is an ideal time for making precise, organized, and practical moves. Be mindful of not over-analyzing every single step and you can use this planet’s energy wisely. 

Mercury, the communication ruler, is in Leo as of the 11th, which creates the optimal time to speak boldly from the heart and prioritize your creative expression. Mercury is even happier at home in Virgo as of the 28th, where it can transform chaos into order and think more clearly about how it can best be of service.

The North Node shifts to the sign of Aries on the 12th. The Lunar Nodes (North and South Nodes) are not planets but mathematical points based on the intersection of the orbit of the Moon around the Earth and the Sun’s orbit as it appears to move around the Earth. They indicate where Solar and Lunar Eclipses will occur. The North Node represents what we are moving towards while the South Node illuminates what we need to release. With the North node in Aries, we are encouraged to be pioneering, independent, and bold

The New Moon in Cancer arrives on July 17. You may feel you want something different in both your home and professional life. Set intentions for the rest of the year and focus on nurturing yourself.

Leo season, which begins on the 23rd of July, intersects with venus retrograde. This retrograde lasts until September 3, and the combination of Leo season and the retrograde, it’s a time to review how you relate to others, your finances, and ideas of art and beauty. Expect a slowing down in these areas towards the end of the month, and don’t be surprised if your Summer ends up being a little more introspective than you anticipate.

Once we enter Leo season, ruled by the Sun, is all about prioritizing your identity and sharing your heart in all that you do


  • Beginning of the month: Observe the balance between work and home and take advantage of opportunities, prioritize your creative expression, and make precise, organized, and practical moves

  • End of the month: review how you relate to others, your finances, and ideas of art and beauty, expect a slowing down in these areas, and allow yourself to be introspective as the month ends, with an extra focus on the heart center in your actions as you enter Leo season.


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