Creamy Yogurt Banana Pumpkin Smoothie

(Ignore my pink eye😭)

I’ve kept my promise this September in uploading a new smoothie recipe each Wednesday and y’all have been LOVING them! This week, I decided to create a smoothie that honors the first day of fall, which I know we are all excited for.

I put blueberries in almost every single smoothie, so I tried to just use banana and pumpkin. I very minimally consume dairy products, so you can use Greek Yogurt if you’d like, but I used Forager Unsweetened Cashewmilk Yogurt, which is my absolute favorite. It’s minimal ingredient and tastes just like yogurt to me, and has no added sugars. It has healthy fats, a bit of protein, and is lower calorie. It makes this smoothie so creamy, making this pumpkin such a treat and a staple you’ll have in your kitchen.

This Creamy Yogurt Pumpkin Banana Smoothie is minimal ingredient, super creamy, and so filling. The first official day of fall is Sunday, so you can enjoy this one this weekend as well as all throughout the fall season. You can find my September Summer Detox Smoothie and Morning Energizing Smoothie here and here.

ENJOY. And be well. 🤎


  • 1/2 cup organic pumpkin puree

  • 1 cup frozen sliced bananas 

  • 1/4-1/2 inch slice of fresh ginger, chopped or grated

  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cashewmilk yogurt or yogurt of choice

  • 1/2 cup sprouted oats; Sprouted oats are considered more nutritious than regular oats because the sprouting process breaks down some of the starch and phytates in the oats, making the nutrients more available for the body to absorb. It results in higher protein and magnesium availability in the body. It’s also extremely important to buy oats organic when you can, as oats are the most heavily sprayed with pesticides. I personally love and use One Degree Organics.

  • 1 scoop collagen (I have been loving the Unflavored Garden of Life Collagen Peptides.

  • 1 splash and a half vanilla extract

  • 1 tablespoon of pumpkin spice

  • 1 small handful of spinach (optional but recommended for more nutrients!)

  • 1 tablespoon of organic honey

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 


  • Blend all ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until smooth.

  • Take a spoon with yogurt and scrape it along the outside of a cup gently.

  • Enjoy with a straw or a spoon, and feel free to top with toppings.

XO 🤎 Comment below to let me know how you like it!


Salted Caramel Banana Smoothie


Morning Energizing Fall Smoothie