Life Lessons from 2022

Life Lessons from 2022

The end of the year is always a reflective time for everyone, including myself. I have fun looking back at old photos and cherishing the memories of the year that has passed, reflecting on what I have accomplished, the impact I’ve made, remembering the people who have impacted me, and seeing how things have changed - especially this year. It’s fun, it’s nostalgic, and it helps us to appreciate the memories of our lives while also learning from them.

For me, 2020 taught me to grind hard and take board long exams and cope with the anxiety of a global pandemic. 2021 taught me to overcome extreme physical trauma, eating disorders, and how truly powerful food and meditation can be as lifestyle factors in healing our mind and bodies. 2022 was the hardest yet though; it taught me how to open up a business and how to cope with emotional trauma. It taught me that even when I am the most anxious, when I feel like I just can’t do it anymore and when I haven’t slept in days, when I have my world turned completely upside down… that I will always have myself. I can control how I react, and that I can undeniably do hard things.

Here are my main takeaways from 2022:

Everything… EVERYTHING will change. As Harry Styles says: it will not be the same as it was, because the only thing truly constant in this life is that everything does change in some capacity. Even the things in our lives that stay there from day one will change in certain ways, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing; it should evolve. Many beautiful things are just a long season or a chapter in our life story and were there for a reason, and the sooner we accept change, the more at peace we are.

Doing what you feel like you should probably won’t feel easy. Following your gut and doing what feels right is likely the path of most resistance, especially in a world that constantly demands us to be something other than ourselves. However, once you trudge through the mud, whether that be endless paperwork, finances, grief, therapy, etc., doing the right thing for yourself is always worth the work. You have to honor your gut, even if it is extremely hard and there are a lot of obstacles. It would be a waste to live a life that doesn’t feel true just because it was easier.

The timing will never be “right”. You really can’t predict or control when or how events and people come into your life. Just notice what happens to come into your life and be present with it. It’s there at that exact time for a reason.

People are humans, too. I like how ironic that statement sounds because it’s so easy to forget - especially when you’ve been hurt. It’s important to remember that if you’re been treated poorly, you don’t have to tolerate it, but remember that most people hurt others from a place of unhealed trauma. Move on when you need to, but bear in mind that we’re all humans who makes mistakes (including you). Kindness is always the best (do no harm, but take no shit).

Let go of the past. Events in our life, from big ones to the day-to-day small interactions, serve their purpose; then. it may leave. Re-looping the past is necessary for processing and healing, but later the looping is often just a waste of time and can cause us to miss what’s right in front of us in the present moment. Honor the past, appreciate it, then move onto the next chapter that’s happening right now.

It’s okay to step away from things. You can’t do it all (at least not at once). I realized that I can’t open a business, be a physical therapist, pursue a master’s degree, AND keep up an online yoga platform at once (and sleep and have a social life). I can only do one at a time, and it’s better to do less and be fully present than to overextend yourself and do a lot of things halfway well. The time will come for all things.

Honor yourself, even if other’s judge you. Other people’s definition of success, hard work, and relationships are different than yours. Sometimes you have to stand up and say that this isn’t how I want to do things; and sometimes it’s I need to do this in order to survive. You should always do your absolute best, but also do what’s best for you.

Old patterns can arise, but it doesn’t mean you have regressed. If you fell back into old patterns this year, it’s okay; it doesn’t mean you’ve gone backwards. These patterns do not control your future, and it was there to help you grow. We revert back to old patterns because they feel safe in a time where things feel unsafe and unknown, and that’s necessary at some harder points in life. Give yourself grace when you do things you wouldn’t necessarily do (especially when you’re going through heavy shit), then make an action plan to change. You control your future in each, given moment. Change follows action.

Notice your weaknesses and acknowledge them. Ask for help where and when you need it; in business, in fixing your sink, or even with filing your taxes or getting a therapist. You cannot do it all and it’s okay to ask for help.

You WILL be wrong, but just always do your best. I will forever be learning how to be a better boss, better sister, better friend, better daughter, better co-worker, better lover, better dog-momma. I WILL make mistakes, but I will learn from them, and it doesn’t matter as long as I’m trying my best.

Community is the best currency. You have to MAKE time for the good energy people in your life. You know your people, your CORE people, that you can be your true, real, authentic self with. Even when life is busy, let this connection fill you up. You’ll be happier, I promise.

Trust the process of life. Instead of OVER-analyzing, just simply analyze, take action where you can, and trust the rest. Let go of the constant grip and control; it’s a lot easier that way.

Show up, even when you don’t want to. When dealing with heartbreak and depression once again this year, I sometimes had to pull myself out of bed. But mood follows action, and sometimes you just have to show up the best you can. You’ll make it through; just keep showing up (but also taking the time you need).

Find what heals you. For me, that’s music, crying, stillness, meditation, and hugs.

Know your love language. Knowing how you want to receive and give love is fundamental to all relationships.

Until you know yourself, you cannot ever be 100% for everyone else. How can you be authentic unless you know yourself? Sit still, listen, and then be. you.


I know that 2023 will bring even more lessons into my life if I should be so lucky. We are NOT promised tomorrow - a reminder that to “live life to the fullest” is to CHOOSE, actively choose, to be grateful, present, and authentic in each moment (even if that is hard sometimes) We have to honor ourselves and those we love while simply doing the best we can. We are so in this together. Here’s to 2023 and whatever that may bring. I trust that the path that is ahead of me (us) is exactly what I (we) will need.

Xx. 🤍


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