#wellnesswednesday Q&A: Random PT questions, Story, Workouts, and more.

This past weekend I put an AMA on Instagram because I actually had some time on Saturday. The ranges of questions I get asked not in an AMA are a wide variety, from asking me about the plants I have to how my mom could be so adorable (I know, right?). But mostly, it consists of things regarding health and well-being, such as recipe ingredients, workout routines, what product I shared or if I like the supplement I’m using. This is why I changed my IG handle in 2022 from arkyogagirl to BDW, because I love all things wellness.

Wellness for me embodies moving your body in a way that feels good to you (which can include yoga), a mindfulness practice of some sort (whether that be church or be a mediation practice, good nutrition (probably the hardest one but the one that makes such a physical difference) and a good community around you that loves you for who you are. Like I said in my newsletter on Monday, this can even include being able to speak your mind when you feel like it’s not the most popular opinion. Suppressing things only leads to built up energy in the body, and eventually resentment.

You have to have a flow of energy in your mind and body to be well. For me, one of the ways I love to be well is to answer questions and share many of the things that help me to be well, this newsletter being one of them. Social media is also a tool for that when used in moderation.

So, here are some of the questions that were asked when I took them on IG. I am not answering all of them, but here is the range.

____________ Q ____________: Any good PT tips for a hiatal hernia?

A: Well, yes! Core exercises working the transverse abdomius is good, since that is the deepest of the core muscles. but you wouldn’t want to do much straining and would want to progress into it. Diaphragm strengthening is a must, since that is was it being penetrated by the stomach. It’s very patient dependent and you definitely should seek 1 on 1 care. I would recommend seeing your doctor, and then seeing a physical therapist in person. If you’re interested, I do see patients cash pay, so just send me an email on my homepage and I can get your information to the receptionist at the place i am currently working. Breathing techniques could really help with his.

____________ Q ____________: What made you want to open Story?

A: A question I’m asked almost every week! I worked as a barista in graduate school and absolutely loved it. I remember being in clinic for 8 hours and it going by so slowly, but when serving customers, talking to many people, and practicing latte art, 8 hours flew by. My business partner Lindsey and I bought the building with our partners (her current partner and mine at the time) in 2020 after I graduated. We would run by the building to see the progress over at Native, and Lindsey would always say, That should be a coffee shop! I also think I’ve always known Physical Therapy wasn’t a full-time job for me anyways, so I said yes when she asked and here we are in 2023 having created and manifested a cool (and inclusive) space here in Jonesboro. It’s been a journey and I’ve learned SO much, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

____________ Q ____________: Current workout routine? Are you still running?

A: I run more than I used to for sure, but I really don’t run more than once a week. I’m currently doing a lot of pilates and light strength training, which has been my favorite since my accident. I used to swim 2x/week at least, but I stopped for a month or two. I walk a ton every day and love short, intermittent workouts throughout the day, but overall I would say pilates/yoga 3x/week, run/swim 1x/week, and walking every day, especially after meals.

____________ Q ____________: more recipes!!!

I am cooking so much!!! I am trying to do a better job of writing them down, and even recording them, but I upload as much to my recipes page as I can make the time for!

____________ Q ____________: What would you like your life to look like at 50?

Oh probably one of my favorite questions! At 50 I would love to be about the same as I am now, honestly. Loving deeply, doing what I love, but hopefully a bit more financial stability. I believe that everything I’m learning in business (yoga and with Story) and the endurance of graduates school are leading me to be more disciplined later in life if I ever want to write a book and when I eventually get back into this online platform. I would love to be with a partner, have a child (adopted more than likely) and live in a home with a ton of windows and cook a lot. I think a lot about the interior design of my home and the calm energy that I want in a space.

____________ Q ____________: What do you think about when you look out into the sea?

Okay, this is my favorite question, which is why I saved it for last! When I look out into the sea, I think about the sensations in my body matching the sea. I feel an exhale, I feel inflammation decreasing from the water being cold to me (cold decreases inflammation) and I think of… sand. And how I would never swim far because it would be like space: never ending. But yes, mostly peace.




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